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LA SOCIAL links you up to local groups and clubs and businesses that offer opportunities to connect with other people and get involved in a wide range of activities, from music to craft to gardening and local history (and all things in between) within the village and nearby.   Here's a list of of organisations that we know of so far.  We'll add more information as and when we get it.


Long Ashton Horticultural Society  -   Organisers of the village Plant Sale in May and Annual Flower Show.  For more information and contact details, see website linked here.


Strum-along at the Miner's Rest - Informal beginners' monthly strum (guitars, uses, mandolins etc).  First Sunday evening of each month at 7.30pm, but currently suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions.


Tra La Runs fortnightly on Tuesdays between 19:30-21:30 in the Community Centre Club Room. No experience needed – our aim is to enjoy singing together, and we make a pleasing sound, singing a variety of songs from around the world as well as standards, folk, pop songs and rounds.

All welcome – contact Bill on 07932623672 for more information.



Transition Long Ashton - This group is here to support the Long Ashton community - you can post requests or offers for things or services that need or have surplus, issues related to building a sustainable local community, videos, photos, or events coming up.  

Facebook group page linked here


Long Ashton Growers Community Co-operative Facebook group page linked here


Rock Project- Thursday evenings at Ashton Park school - Facebook group page linked here




©2020 by LA Together.

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